Welcome to My World: A Journey of Self-Discovery at 43

Hello, wonderful people! I’m Jessica, and I’m thrilled you’ve stumbled upon my little corner of the internet. This space? It’s more than just a blog. It’s a canvas, a diary, and perhaps, a window into the soul of someone who’s still figuring it all out – me.

At the ripe, complex age of 43, I stand before you as a wife, a mother, a marketer, and, most importantly, a perpetual learner on the winding road of life. You might be wondering, "Jessica, shouldn’t you have all the answers by now?" Well, truth be told, I thought I would. But here I am, candidly admitting: I don’t. And that’s not just okay; it’s beautifully human.

The Quest for Purpose

For years, I navigated through life’s ups and downs with the belief that by the time I hit my forties, I’d have a neatly packaged answer to the question, "Who am I?" Spoiler alert: I didn’t receive that memo. Instead, I found myself with more questions than answers, more curiosity than certainty. And that, my friends, is where the magic happens.

This blog is my open journal, a testament to the ongoing journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and the relentless pursuit of purpose. It's about peeling back the layers, facing the uncertainties, and embracing the chaos with open arms.

Join the Adventure

But this isn’t just my story; it’s an invitation. An invitation to you – yes, you – to join me on this expedition. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, or beyond, it’s never too late to ask, “What do I want my life to mean?” Together, we’ll explore the vast landscapes of life, from the mundane to the magnificent.

Follow along as I share my experiences, insights, and lessons learned from the front lines of adulthood, parenthood, and careerhood. Expect tales of triumphs, setbacks, and those precious in-between moments that make life worth living. Through blog posts, social media musings, and maybe a few surprises along the way, we’ll navigate the complexities of life together.

Let’s Connect

Your voice matters here. Share your stories, your dreams, and your struggles. Engage with me on social media, leave comments, or send a message. This space thrives on connection, community, and collective wisdom.

So, here’s to the journey ahead – unpredictable, imperfect, but incredibly invigorating. Together, let’s discover the beauty in not having all the answers, the strength in vulnerability, and the endless possibilities that come with simply being ourselves.

With an open heart and immense gratitude,



A Saturday at Work: Merit Day at the University of Kentucky